Unreal LiDAR 22 Aug 2019

a simulation with a drone shooting lasers around it with green dots indicating where those lasers hit
This semester-long research project was focused on creating real-time VLP-16 LiDAR simulations using Unreal Engine and Microsoft AirSim. We simulated IR interactions with glass and compared it with real-world test data.

Simulation Screens

an office recreated using IR datapoints, colored from red to white based on distance Features:
  • UDP packets streamed to UE4 from a VLP-16 using the Boost C++ library
  • Intensity and distance based coloring
  • Toggleable Minimap
  • 10Hz Refresh rate
an office recreated using IR datapoints, with green dots representing test data and red data being truth values. they're very close

Side by side point cloud comparisons between our simulation and a real-world location. The green point cloud is simulated data and the red point cloud is our truth value.